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Prostitution in America

Prostitution has become a 14.6 billion dollar industry within the United States. This business of engaging in sexual practices continues to draw in women and girls from all around the country to join its multi billion dollar business. In my last two post I introduced Sexual objectification and the effects it has on rape culture within our society. Today we will dive into how sexual objectification plays a role into why women turn to exploiting their bodies for income i.e. objectifying themselves.

Sexual objectification is when a women's body is distinctly set a part from them as a commodity or a thing used to please sexual desire. In my first post we learned how the objectification society places on our bodies has a huge effect on the way we view ourselves. "She has to survey everything she is and everything she does because how she appears to men, is of crucial importance for what is normally thought of as the success of her life." (Ways of seeing, 271). The book states that as women we began to objectify our own value to get the approval of the ruling class, which would be males. We began to put so much emphasis on our physical appearance until we start to base our value on our body. Women become confused and began to develop mental illnesses trying to come to terms with their value. They find that they are loved and cared for by their provider i.e pimps. They have put their worth and purpose into the appearance of their body and now choose to live their life utilizing their bodies to bring in their income. Ultimately giving in on what she has been taught all her life about her body in hopes of finding love for who she really is.

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